Saturday, July 05, 2008

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony vacationing in Portofino,Italia

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony have made a much-needed vacation stop before returning to the States. After finishing up with a string of South American and European performances

The “El Cantante” co-star COUPLE were spotted clad in their swimwear earlier today (July 4), enjoying the scenic landscape of Portofino, Italy alongside designer Stefano Gabbana.

And now that Marc has finished up his work overseas, the “I Need You” singer will be launching a string of US shows beginning on July 26th in Universal City, CA.

jennifer lopez and marc anthony vacationjennifer lopez and marc anthony vacation
jennifer lopez and marc anthony vacationjennifer lopez and marc anthony vacation
jennifer lopez and marc anthony vacationjennifer lopez and marc anthony vacation
jennifer lopez and marc anthony vacationjennifer lopez and marc anthony vacation
jennifer lopez and marc anthony vacationjennifer lopez and marc anthony vacation


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