Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kelli Dawson Claims Casey

Kelli Dawson
The new issue of In Touch Weekly, 28-year-old Kelli Dawson claims Casey was cheating on Jamie Lynn as far as six months into the teen’s pregnancy. The couple met in late 2006 when Casey was still dating Jamie Lynn. According to Kelli, the two hit it off right away:

“We were both really attracted to each other. He totally instigated it and pursued me. His friends would tell me that he liked me, that he thought I was pretty.”

Britney Spears’ first husband Jason Alexander — the one she was married to for 8 hours — confirms that Casey and Kelli were indeed intimate:

“Kelli and Casey have been a couple on and off for a few years. They were a really tight couple, but I think it was hard for Kelli, having Jamie Lynn in the picture.”

Kelli claims she broke off the relationship with Casey just a few months before Jamie Lynn gave birth because “it just didn’t feel right.” So basically everything was cool when Jamie Lynn’s fetus still had a tail but once its skull fused Kelli’s morals kicked in:

“It just didn’t feel right. He had to deal with the baby coming, and it had to stop . . . even after we stopped having sex, we would still kiss occasionally.”

Wait since we’re dealing with Jamie Lynn Spears here, does that make Kelli a homewrecker or an apartmentwrecker? I’m leaning toward the latter. As for Casey, I’m not condoning what he did, but in his defense, when Jamie Lynn was six months pregnant she was pretty fat.


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