Thursday, August 21, 2008

Heidi Montag is "Still a Virgin"

Heidi  MontagHeidi  MontagHeidi  Montag
Apparently during Heidi Montag's interview with Ryan Seacrest she claimed to still be a virgin. Speidi talked about how Heidi is "still a virgin" and how religious she is, insisting that her "next album is going to be a Christian one."

But Hollyscoop immediately caught Heidi Montag in her bullshit when they found an old episode of The Hills where she has a pregnancy scare:

In the episode Heidi tells Spencer, "I took a pregnancy test," but assured him that it turned out negative. Last we checked, if you're a virgin, you wouldn't need to take a pregnancy test. Sources tell Hollyscoop that "It's just another PR stunt for them to gain more press for her album."


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